Keynote speaker

Prof. John William Sheffield, Ph.D.

Professor of Engineering Technology Purdue University,U.S.A.

President, International Association for Hydrogen Energy


Speech Title: Critical Minerals and Materials for Scaling Up the Hydrogen Economy

Dr. Sheffield, joined Purdue University in January 2015. He holds the title of Professor Emeritus of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology. He has a broad base of experience in energy technologies. He has served as one of the founding associate directors at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization - International Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies (UNIDO-ICHET) during their first two years of operation in 2005-2006. He also served as the Associate Director of the National University Transportation Center at Missouri S&T. For more than forty years, he has served as an editor of the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. In August 2014, he completed a two-year assignment as a principal consultant at DNV GL - Energy supporting the evaluation, measurement and verification of energy efficiency programs and the response to the U.S. DOE Uniform Methods Project Protocol review of compressed air systems. In August 2015, he completed a 7-week National Science Foundation Innovation Corps program as an industrial mentor for a potential startup company based on the manufacturing of bio-inspired bipolar plates for PEM fuel cells. On 1 March 2019, he became the President of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy, having previously served as the Executive Vice President. He has also served as a part-time Professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University in Xi'an, China working in the summers with the School of Energy and Power Engineering on hydrogen energy technologies from 2019 to 2022 and teaching in the annual International Summer School offered by the State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering. He was appointed a member of the Advisory Board of the "H2 JRP - Hydrogen Joint Research Platform" for the three-year period 2022-2024. In April 2022, he was selected for the 2022 Outstanding Leadership in Globalization Award from Purdue University. In 2023, he was appointed as a 2023 Energy Scholar at the Institute for Resilient Environmental and Energy Systems at Oklahoma University.

Prof. Chung-Jen Tseng

Distinguished Professor, Dept. Mechanical Engineering
Director, Center for Energy Research
College of Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan


Speech Title: Cell development and system analysis for proton-conducting ceramic electrochemical cells

Dr. Chung-Jen Tseng is presently a distinguished professor and the director of the Center for Energy Research at College of Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan. He received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin, USA. Professor Tseng also serves as a National Climate Change Committee member, an Executive Director of Taiwan Association for Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells, a Section Editor of the Journal of Energy Engineering. He received the 2024 Outstanding Research Award from the National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan. His current research interest is in energy conversion and storage, such as fuel cell (PEM & SOFC) material development, innovative fuel cell and stack design, hybrid system analysis and design, and hydrogen production by water electrolysis.

Prof. Dr. Saim Memon

CEO & Industrial Professor of Renewable Energy Engineerin

Department of Industrial R&D in Vacuum Insulation Energy Technologies, Sanyou London Pvt Ltd, United Kingdom

Department for Engineering, School of Engineering and the Built Environment, Birmingham City University, UK

Jiangsu Sanyou Dior Energy-saving New Materials Co., Ltd (SANYOU DIOR), Jiangsu, China.

Specch Title: Energy-Saving Performance of Vacuum Insulated Wallpaper (VIW) and Innovations in Vacuum Insulation Technologies

Professor. Dr. Saim Memon, CEO and Industrial Professor of Renewable Energy Engineering, unifies academic research, industrial manufacturing, and global product distribution. A Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, he holds Qualified Teacher Status from the General Teaching Council for Scotland. Prof. Memon boasts multidisciplinary expertise in Electrical, Mechanical, and Renewable Energy Engineering, with over 120 research publications and 50+ speakerships, engaged in research with 40+ countries worldwide. He taught 41 modules, supervised numerous PhD and MSc/MEng projects, and collaborated with researchers in 40+ countries. His work has acquired 1600+ citations, a 23+ h-index, and a 52+ i10-index. His specific research experiences encompass net-zero energy buildings, vacuum insulation, thermal management of electric vehicle batteries, translucent vacuum insulation panels, energy materials for vacuum insulated smart windows, , vacuum-based photovoltaic solar thermal collectors, applied semi-transparent photovoltaics and switchable films, renewable energy technologies, thermoelectric devices for energy harvesting and smart grid integration into electric vehicles with fast-charging battery mechanisms.

   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rajesh Saiju

  Professor for electrical engineering and electrical power systems
  Department Energy and Life Science
  Flensburg University of Applied Sciences
  Flensburg, Germany


Speech Title: Generation of Hydrogen from Renewable Energy Sources in Nepal: Technical and Economical Analysis

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rajesh Saiju Studied ‘Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) at Karnataka University, 1996 in India, then Master of Science (Electronic Systems and Engineering Management) at the University of Applied Sciences South Westphalia (previously Department of Paderborn University) and Bolton Institute in England (a cooperative master's programme) supported by the DAAD scholarship for international students. Subsequently completed a doctorate at the University of Kassel under the supervision of Prof. Dr habil. Sigfried Heier in the Department 16 - Electrical Energy System in the main research project ‘Research and development of an energy management system for the control of hybrid power systems with renewable energies’ financed by SMA AG. 2008 to 2011 industrial activity at Voith Hydro in the field of hydropower plant simulations (hydraulic, mechanical and electrical - Water to Weir Principle), later from 2011 to 2015 at Nordex Energy with various tasks, including model development, simulation of wind power plants, grid codes development, project management as project manager for various wind farm projects.
After gaining experiences in the different fields of renewable energy systems, he decided to join the university. Appointed to Flensburg University of Applied Sciences in 2015 for energy technology in FB2. From 2018 to 2020 working on a research project funded by the EKSH on the topic of hybrid power systems. He has many years of experiences in Energy Management Systems, Hybrid Power System. Technical and economic analysis of different energy systems, dynamic modelling and simulations, grid integration of renewable energy systems. Currently he is researching about the hydrogen technologies for green hydrogen generation from renewables. He has published many papers in these area.

Dr. B. Satya Sekhar,Associate Professor, HoD

Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Jammu, India


Speech Title: Energy & Exergy analysis of Solar-driven Hydrogen Energy Systems

Dr Satya, received a B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) in 2008 from Andhra University and an M.Tech in 2010 with a specialization in Fluid & Thermal Science from Mechanical Engineering at IIT Guwahati. Following this, he started PhD at the same Institute, where he was involved in developing Hydrogen Systems. After PhD, I joined HySA Systems, the University of the Western Cape, as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in October 2013 to continue research on hydrogen energy. Later, he worked on the Totalized Hydrogen Energy Utilization System (THEUS) at the Research Institute for Energy Conservation, AIST, Japan, as a Postdoctoral Fellow from August 2014 to July 2016. Before joining IIT Jammu, Dr Satya worked at the Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing in Kurnool, India, from July 2016 to September 2019. He has been serving as the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering since May 2024.
Dr Satya has an ongoing project “Indo-Taiwan bilateral project: Renewable energy storage based on reversible PEM Fuel Cell for grid applications”. Cooling Innovation Lab is funded by the IFC, the World Bank and Innovators. The Grant is being provided to the IIT Jammu to undertake the Project, under which cooling technologies. He also working on a novel hybrid solar beam down technology for hydrogen production. He was also invited to give guest lectures in some graduate courses given by my host and other professors on topics related to my research. These include hydrogen energy, solar energy, and energy storage. He developed a state-of-the-art energy research and teaching lab at IIT Jammu for PG students. Also, DST, India selected Dr Satya to participate in the BRICS YOUNG SCIENTIST CONCLAVE (Subject Area-Energy) held in Durban, South Africa, from 25-29 June 2018. Dr Satya received best research paper awards at the International Conference on Hydrogen Energy and Advanced Materials (ICAMHE-2024), Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi., and the 11th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES-11), July 14-18, 2019. Dr Satya also received the Alexander von Humboldt Connect Fellowship (2020) for joint research collaboration work with Magdeburg University, Germany.
He published more than 60 research papers in various reputed journals & conferences.

Invited speaker

Professor Jeffrey Chi-Sheng WU, PhD

Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan



Speech Title: Solar H2 from photocatalytic water splitting by SrTiO3-based catalysts using flux method

Jeffrey Chi-Sheng WU is a distinguished professor and former chairman of the Chemical Engineering Department at National Taiwan University. He received his PhD. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, USA. Professor Jeffrey C.S. Wu has long-term research activity in solar energy conversion. His research interests include (a) photoreduction of CO2 to fuel, (b) photocatalytic water splitting for H2, and (c) photocatalytic oxidation of air pollutants. (d) Catalytic hydrogenation of CO2. He is a fellow of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Prof. Wu received a number of awards including, the Qin-Lang Chair Professor of NTU Engineering College in 2022, Outstanding Paper of Taiwan Catalysis Society in 2020, Yang Bing Yan Chair Professor of NTU Engineering College in 2018, Outstanding Engineering Professors Award of the Chinese Institute of Engineers Taiwan in 2016; Outstanding Cross-Sector Collaboration Award of 2nd National Industrial Innovation in 2012; "Lai Tzai-Der award" of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers in 2009, "Chemical Technology Award" of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers in 2006, and "Silver medal of National Invention," Taiwan in 2004. He also serves as the editor of Applied Catalysis O: Open and is a member of the editorial boards in several SCI journals. He is the author and co-author of over 160 SCI journal papers. His h-index is 54 (Jan 2024).;;
Web of Science ResearcherID: B-6210-2011

Professor Han-Ki Kim

School of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea



Speech Title: Transparent amorphous InGaTiO electrode prepared by Isolated Plasma Soft Deposition for semi-transparent perovskite solar cells and Tandem solar cells

Prof Han- Ki Kim received his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology in 2003. From 2003 to 2005, he worked at Samsung SDI as a principle researcher and developed TCO materials for AMOLEDs. He was an assistant professor at Kumoh National Institute of Technology from 2005 to 2008. He was professor and Kyung Hee fellow in department of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering for Information and Electronics at Kyung Hee University from 2009 to 2017. Since 2018, he has been a full professor in school of advanced materials science and engineering at Sungkyunkwan University. His research include transparent electrode materials, flexible and transparent electronics and printable electronics. He has published over 360 SCI papers and holds 100 patents.

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